Earths Movement

 The Earth's surface is constantly changing, and understanding the forces behind this transformation is fascinating. These forces, broadly categorized as endogenic (internal) and exogenic (external), are what create, destroy, and reshape the land we see. From majestic mountains to winding rivers, these forces are the sculptors of our planet's ever-evolving landscape. Interestingly, these changes can be slow and subtle, happening over millions of years, or sudden and dramatic, like earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Regardless of the pace, these forces are the driving force behind the dynamic world we inhabit.

1..Endogenic Forces: Shaping Earth from Within
    • Endogenic forces originate deep within the Earth.
    • These forces cause two types of movements: horizontal and vertical.
    • This movement creates various landforms like mountains, plateaus, plains, and faults.
    • Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes are also results of endogenic forces and are considered sudden movements.
    • The exact cause of these forces remains unclear due to limited knowledge about the Earth's interior.
    • It's believed that thermal conditions inside the Earth, causing rock expansion and contraction, are the main driver.
    • Rapid adjustments of these internal materials can sometimes lead to sudden earth movements.
    • Based on intensity, endogenic forces are further categorized into diastrophic forces (slower movements) and sudden forces (earthquakes, eruptions).

i. Diastrophic Forces and Movements:
These are slow-acting forces (thousands to millions of years) that cause both vertical and horizontal movements in the Earth's crust.
They are considered constructive forces, shaping large landforms like mountains, plateaus, and plains.
Diastrophic forces are further divided into two groups:
Epeirogenetic Movements (Vertical Movements):
    • Cause uplift or subsidence of continents.
    • Uplift creates emergence (land rising above sea level).
    • Subsidence creates submergence (land sinking below sea level).
Orogenetic Movements (Horizontal Movements):
    • Caused by horizontal compression or tension in the Earth's crust.
    • Compressional Forces: Squeeze the crust, creating folds and mountains.
    • Tensional Forces: Pull the crust apart, forming cracks, faults, and valleys.
ii. Sudden Endogenic Forces and Movements:
    • Cause rapid events like volcanic eruptions and earthquakes.
    • These events are called "extreme events" and can be disastrous in populated areas.
    • The forces act quickly, with results seen in minutes.
    • Despite the suddenness, these events are the result of long-term buildup within the Earth.
    • Geologically, they are considered "constructive forces" because they create landforms.
    • Examples: 
    • Volcanic eruptions form cones, mountains, and lava plateaus. 

    • Earthquakes create faults, fractures, and lakes.

2.Exogenic Forces: Sculptors of the Earth's Surface
    • Exogenic forces, also called denudational or destructive forces, originate from the atmosphere.
    • They continuously break down (weathering) and wear away (erosion) the landforms created by endogenic forces.
    • Exogenic processes are essentially "planation processes," leveling the Earth's surface over time.
    • Denudation involves both weathering and erosion:
    • Weathering breaks down rocks in place through physical, chemical, and biological processes.
    • This is crucial for creating soil, essential for life in the biosphere.
    • Erosion removes and transports weathered materials to new locations.
    • Running water (rivers), groundwater, sea waves, glaciers, wind, and periglacial processes are all agents of erosion.
    • These transported materials are then deposited in various locations, forming new landforms.

1. Physical geography: Savindra Singh,Pravalika Publication, Allahabad.
2.Images-Credits to Google


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